Hi Guys,
(I’ve been having trouble getting this to send. Sorry for any duplicates.)
Things have been intense the last few days so I’m combining two days into one. First up is Crayfish Haven where I not only finally ate crayfish but I also harvested the little buggers. It was more fun harvesting them than eating them. Mostly because it takes some skill getting to the meat. Twist off the head, pinch and pull the meat out of the tail. I soon discovered that the little ones weren’t worth my inexperienced time but the bigger ones were much easier to do. Picture tiny lobsters. The seasoned eaters said the head was delicious but I declined to suck out the head. In the picture below I am concentrating hard dismantling the little buggers. I have since discovered you can buy them already taken apart and that’s how I’d recommend getting them.
Harvesting them is exactly the same way they do Alaskan King Crab on the TV show Deadly Catch except in miniature. The pots are smaller, the water only 2 feet deep and the boat was driven by this very unique hydraulic wheel in the back. They pick up the trap and dump the crawfish on the sorting table. The little ones fall through the cracks and the big ones are pushed into bags. I’m wearing rubber gloves but the inside of them stank from… something... that took washing my hands 5-6 times to remove. Still an interesting time.
Here’s a video of music in the Barn: https://youtu.be/Ex-e7T02XdM The barn is an old, very old cattle auction barn they have converted into a music venue. Very unique and well worth it.
We spent a lot of time touring Abbeville. The interesting courthouse and church and many shops and restaurants. Well worth another visit. They even have a thriving independent Radio Shack store.
Thursday evening, our last before the next move on Friday the 15th was Music in the Square downtown. Cajun music among the majestic Live Oaks was really special. Jo and I even got up and danced to the delight of our travel companions.
Links to lots more pictures:
Abbeville, Kaplan, Crayfish & Cajun Music 3/13/19 https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0xGrq0zwJPoFuj
Abbeville downtown 3/14/19 https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0x5n8hH4XsxjL
Be sure to check out the Facebook page for this caravan where you’ll find pictures and stories from our mates on this caravan: https://www.facebook.com/groups/airstream2019ccc/
Friday 3/15/19 we head to Eunice LA, our second to last stop on this whirlwind caravan.
Frank and Jo